Friday, September 23, 2011

Do you die from car gas if you start the car in the garage with garage door shut ?

I need a serious answer .

You are in the house and the car is in the garage. You start up the car and close the garage door shut, the garage does have the little small spot for air. Can you die or suffer intoxication (or how that's call) from the CO2 that the car release while you are in the house ???

I don't think so but my mom kept arguing with me and open the garage door ~_~. Unless you are deathtrap or something. I don't want to but it is winter and it's so cold to leave it open %26gt;%26lt; .
Do you die from car gas if you start the car in the garage with garage door shut ?
You may not want to open the door because it's cold, but if there is incomplete combustion in a closed area you will have enough CO produced to make you sick or kill you. The engine of a car has very incomplete combustion of the gas and CO is produced in unhealthy quantity and the effect ic umulative, you don't get rid of the CO in your bloodstream for a while.

Listen to your mom

%26quot;Carbon monoxide is produced by furnaces, water heaters, cooking ranges and idling cars. It is a colorless and odorless gas that cannot be detected by smell, taste or sight. The gas is not only deadly, but deceptive as well, because carbon monoxide poisoning often masquerades as other illnesses%26quot;
Do you die from car gas if you start the car in the garage with garage door shut ?
if u stay there long enough
yes u can die from it actually u will die very quick if you breath in enough.
you can die from the carbon monoxide emissions but it would take a while.its more painfull that realized. you dont just fall assleep. your lungs would bleed you would go into arrest and choke.
Yes, if there is Carbon Monoxide there, your will sure die, if you don't get oxygen quickly. You fall asleep and never wake up again.
i believe its carbon monoxide poisoning.
You can but VERY slowly. If your in there for 15 minutes nothing could happen.
Yeah its definatly possible
Yes, it's carbon monoxide poisoning.
You would faint for sure. You never want to risk the chance of that. Do what your mom says.
Carbon Monoxide poisoning is what it's called. Yes you can die. Open the garage door and turn the heater on in the car. You're also stinkin up the garage with all those fumes!
You die from carbon monoxide, not the carbon dioxide. But sure, its a common suicide attempt if you are sitting the garage. But it would take a while to fill the garage and start to enter the house, so if you were in the house, it probably wouldn't be an issue as long as it wasn't running too long.

But why not start the car, open the garage door, and go back in the house. Then you are playing it safe.
Absolutely! It's called Carbon Monoxide poisoning.
Internal combustion engines generate carbon monoxide gas when running. In an enclosed space, the cabron monoxide will displace the oxygen - and if you're in the garage will eventually kill you. The carbon monoxide gas may also enter the house, so running the car in a close garage is not a good idea.

Warm up the car on the driveway, not inside the garage. Carbon monoxide gas can also build up over a period of time in an enclosed space without adequate ventilation, like the inside of your house during winter.
If you stay in there, eventually. Or if you stay inside the house, and the CO2 manages to seep through the cracks underneath your door.

Breathe in enough of it, and BAM, you're out. It could take a few days or even only 2 or 3.

I suggest you keep the garage door open. Just to be safe.
Yes, you can die from the carbon monoxide emissions (CO) if the garage isn't properly ventilated (which it probably isn't). CO replaces oxygen in the bloodstream when you breathe it in, so you would be suffocating yourself. It would take several minutes for the CO to replace the oxygen in the air. But you should leave the garage door open or warm it up in the driveway.

PS What's worse, being cold or dying? Unless you live up here in minnesota or a similar latitude, please don't complain to me about the cold.
You certainly will die. My mother-in-law had a neighbor commit suicide that way. He died from carbon monoxide poisioning.

Don't do it. Don't run the engine in the garage with the door shut.
most probably yes but why leave the car ignition on when your car is inside the garage, pollution and waste of gas
In thirty five years I have had thtree suicides, one high school boy-girl PROM NIGHT death, and several others croak because they either got cold and naked and screwing or foolish enough to start a car to warm up. These INCLUDE attached garages where EVERYONE died, including the family pets. Call your local Fire Dept. and put smoke detector-carbon monoxide units where they advise. This **** is all free and will let you die of old age. I am in medicine and a great many folks that recover in hyperbaric chambers I put them in still come out with mental defects. Forget other answers, call your family doctor or Fire Dept. You can then drop dead of old age, but that cannot be helped.

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